Travel Day #57
Hello brothers and sisters,
Somewhat unplanned (by us, yet not by God), we extended our stay in the Slavonski Brod prayer house until Tuesday the week before last. It was better this way, as we realized later. We had some very great days with our brothers and sisters in the house of prayer with very intense prayer and good conversations. Even just using the prayer room was a very refreshing and strengthening gift, for which we are very grateful. The house of prayer has become a haven for us both spiritually and humanly.
However, when we had got a negative response over the phone about us attending the meeting in Rijeka, we were a bit puzzled because we were pretty sure that it would be our next destination. So we just went there a few days later to spend a few more days with Luna's dad and stepmother and also in order to see what God had in store for us there. We contacted the sister again, whom we actually wanted to meet on that Saturday and arranged to meet her the day after we arrived.
We went for a "kava" (coffee) in a café by the harbor. However, if we had met Valentina with all the others on Saturday, it would never have been possible to talk to her in such detail! We shared our testimonies and she shared a number of things that she had learned and experienced with God and through the principles of TLR (The Last Reformation) and DMM (Disciple Making Movement). Lately some new people in their area have turned to Jesus and through the DMM material the more mature brothers and sisters have good guidance to help the "babies" grow in faith and to pass on the good news of Jesus themselves. A very important basis for this is genuine repentance from sin and baptism in water and in the Holy Spirit. So God seems to form a house church there in Rijeka, as well as in Zagreb, Zadar, Split and other cities in Croatia. It was incredibly exciting to hear how God is moving and uses people as fishers of men. Now we knew why we should come to Rijeka later. Valentina also became very dear to us.
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Swimming in Mrežnica river, just above one of the many little waterfalls |
We have been staying here on a wonderful campsite near the town of Karlovac since last Friday. Located directly at the cleanest river in Croatia, the "Mrežnica", we feel a bit like in paradise (with camping noises in the background).
On Saturday evening at the house church meeting and on Sunday at the picnic we got to know the brothers and sisters who lived here. We experienced this typical phenomenon again: wherever you go to meet believers in the world, you immediately feel connected and at home through the love of Jesus. And it's so wonderful what God is doing here!!! For example, a young man of 20-year-old met the leader of the group earlier this year and God guided him to repentance and faith. He actually wanted to be baptized during the corona lock-down, but his family didn't allow him to meet anyone. God comforted him by baptizing him at home with the Holy Spirit including the gift of tongues! Then a month later he was baptized in water. Since then he has received weekly discipleship training from his mentor, has already shared the gospel with work colleagues and relatives, and experienced how some of his family were healed and even delivered! What a start into the new life - for him there are no theoretical principles of faith, but hearing is followed up with doing!
"Jesus said to his disciples: Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover."
Mark 16, 15-18
The brothers and sisters here have exactly the same vision as we do: plant and multiply house churches and follow Jesus' instructions (e.g. Luke 10), as shown in the Acts of the Apostles. We were able to hear a lot of ingenious testimonies on both days, of conversions, healings and expelling demons. Hallelujah, that was so encouraging! He has miraculously led almost all of the house church believers at the same time into a genuine, deep repentance from the old life, which they had never experienced in their old church. This resulted in an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and many baptisms and deliveries. God is building a network of believers right here in Croatia, so that in the name of Jesus, many fish will be caught for the kingdom of God! We are privilegded to now become a part of this network.
Even during our days of prayer in Zagreb, Harry had the impression that we should look for spiritually alive house church and make our place of living dependent on that. We both independently of each other received the clear confirmation from God independently of each other that the city in which we will live for now is ...
... * drum roll * ....
The first step has been made. And just as we were about to start looking for an apartment, Luna fell ill and was unable to do anything for almost two days, both physically and mentally. We see this as an attack by the enemy. He likes to spread doubts about God's plans for us. This is easier to do if you are physically weak. While she was trying to research Croatian websites looking for apartments and schools, everything grew over her head and she just thought: Lord, how will all of this work out ??? !!!!! We're crazy! "Step out in faith" and so on - yes yes ... was it a mistake to come here? Didn't we hear you properly ten years ago ??! 🤔
But then she realized (God said to her): What did you expect, little princess? (Yes, you are and will always be my beloved princess!) That everything opens like a sesame in front of you? A moving car is easier to steer than a stationary one, my love!!! That is why I am sending you INTO the world, so that you grow TOWARDS me, become deeper and deeper rooted IN trust and faith in me and in MY power and authority over everything in life. Unfortunately, you can't learn something like that in a neat and safe life, but out there in the mud, in combat, at risk, in turbulence. I never told you it would be cotton candy. But I PROMISED to you that I would ALWAYS be with you. And what companion could be better on the way to Mount Doom than the one who conquered death and created the universe? 😳💥
God 1 Luna 0
We feel vulnerable during this season, because we are not in control. So far we have seen four apartments and will look at more. The market is not very large, as most Croatians buy their place, even if it is a small apartment in a big building. Also we will have to arrange a place in school for Junia next week, which might come with quite a bit of bureaucracy. Finally, we have yet to experience how God provides for us financially; yet, he is good and faithful.
What we already have is .. a school bag. Very important: with butterflies, pink, orange and glitter! This is the beginning. Yet even in this "trivial" little thing, God has again proven himself. We really like second-hand purchases and in this case were able to buy this Herlitz bag for just under € 30 (NP € 70). It was the only one listed that we thought Junia might like. Our thoughts were confirmed. :-) Just like with this "trivial" school bag, God is taking care of the right school, an apartment, finances, Harry's Croatian skills and, above all, that we grow into our calling.
But to learn that, we have to go out there and train our belief muscles. This is the only way to get stronger. Just as an athlete trains his body for a competition, so we have to practice faith in order to run the race to the end, as Paul writes. We may feel more vulnerable than ever before. But we should never forget that we are wearing an armor. To wear a heavy armor like that, you also need muscles. We wear the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of readiness to preach the gospel of peace, the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit / the word of God and not to forget: unceasing prayer!
The day before yesterday Harry prayed over my head- and earache and they almost immediately disappeared. Yesterday after visiting the park we spoke to a woman and were allowed to pray for her hip. First she asked if the prayer costs anything (yes, there are such healers here who "heal" for money, but often very subtly). After we laughed and said no, Luna prayed and she said she didn't feel any pain after that! Hallelujah! Then we had a really good conversation with her about faith (it turned out that she had also lived in Canada and realizes the older she gets that there has to be a God out there). She also told us of a young man who had led a bad life and almost died when Jesus appeared to him in the hospital. Since then he has completely changed his life and has been helping many people in the neighborhood in a practical way. Wow! So Jesus does not appear only to Muslims. :-) If we hadn't spoken to her, we would never have heard these wonderful testimonies and would not have been able to experience how her pain went away. Here at the campsite, too, we've had a few opportunities to give testimony. It is absolutely amazing how God gets something bigger rolling after starting with a pebble!
May God be the strength for you to get the little pebbles rolling so that your faith muscles grow and HE is glorified !!!
By the way, our car is behaving very well. The refusal to start 3 weeks ago has not been repeated. ;-)
But you are welcome to continue praying for Amos' potty training, in addition to looking for an apartment and school. :-P
Many greetings and hugs from our "Jesus Bootcamp" !!!
Harry, Luna, Junia and Amos
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