Thursday 24 March 2016

"Hmph, what's 'truth?' "

As I was deep cleaning our kitchen in all quietness of husbands and childs peaceful slumber, I rethought some things that touched me deeply this past week. Yes people, I was cleaning our kitchen about the same time the saviour of our universe was captured and reflecting on those consequential events in my mind. Only about 2000 years later.

Pontius Pilate and Jesus had this crazy conversation about identity and truth just before Jesus' painful and bloody crucifixion.
"Are you the King of the Jews?"
"Was it your idea to ask that or did other people tell you about me?"
"I am not a jew, am I? Your own people and the chief priests handed you over to me! What have you done?"

"My kingdom isn't the sort that grows in this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my supporters would have fought to stop me being handed over to the Judaeans. So, then, my kingdom is not the sort that comes from here."

Boom! Now tell this to any ruler of nowadays and you will have to deal with some queer looks and the following question:

"So! You are a king, are you?"

"You're the one who's calling me a king. I was born for this; I've come to the world for this: to give evidence about the truth. Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice."

"Truth! What's that?"

Well yeah, what's truth? More than a decade ago I was often watching the X files and one of the FBI agents had this poster on his wall: "The truth is out there." And it truly is!!! Jesus claims to be the truth, the way and the life (John 14:6). He claims to give evidence about her... so what kind of evidence do we see when we read about his life and actions?

A truth that is bold.
A truth full of love.
A truth that dies and rises for us.
A truth that tells us that after death and mourning comes eternity and laughter.
A truth about God's kingdom to be absent of any violence and oppression and full of peace, of Shalom.

This is the truth we are destined to belong to. This is how everything ought to be. This is how to separate God's truth from lies. This is a truth worth fighting for within every day of our lives. In all big and small moments and events.

Now look onto this Good Friday as a chance to answer Pilates question of "What is truth?". It is truly a Good day. Because this is the day when we are in festivity touch with the ultimate and wonderful truth of God and once more remember her, reconnect with her, embrace her, celebrate her and follow her.

These days, we seem to be lost in deillusions about what is true and real and which things are only masks and masquerade. God's truth, however, removes the make up and costumes of our day and shows us the real, refreshing and beautiful face of his truth in life.

Now, ain't that a reason to celebrate? Absolutely!

Christos Anesti! Alithos Anesti!
He is risen! He is risen indeed!
Der Herr ist auferstanden! Er is wahrlich auferstanden!

The truth is risen! She is risen indeed!

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