God is always faithful!
I'm sitting in the living room. It's 8:30pm, I've just put the children to bed. Now I pick up the guitar and start to sing my thanks to the Lord. The praise just bursts out of me; I feel as if the gratitude inside me will make my heart burst any moment! This evening, I see into the wonderful, endless, 100% certain faithfulness of the Lord.
He is always faithful and keeps His promises. Whatever He promises, He brings about! Throughout the entire history of the Bible, through the entire history of the church, right down to my own little life, God has proven time and time again that He keeps His word. He promised Abraham a new land and many descendants. He promised the world a Savior who would bring us back together with Him. He revealed Himself as the faithful God to countless of His servants throughout the centuries, and I humbly join this crowd.
Often times, I don't feel like giving thanks, but have to consciously force myself to believe in God's perfect faithfulness, fighting through my doubts and worries in order to thank Him in advance for the fulfillment of His promises.
Already, He has guided us step by step and given us His favor - for the purchase of the house, which He had announced to us almost a year ago, as well as for His plans for us in Croatia.
In July, we had a look at this house for the first time and immediately had a good feeling, even though it was still full of stuff and quite dirty at the time. The price was within the limits of what we may expect a bank to give us a mortgage for, the sellers are normal people, the house has rooms and possibilities for everything that is important to us and is easily accessible - just 15 minutes from the center of Karlovac. Our house church even meets very close by on Saturdays, just a five-minute drive from here.
Since then, things have progressed slowly but surely, step by step. In August, all three owners were together in Karlovac, we signed the necessary papers and gave them the down payment. With the help of a financial advisor, whom we don't even have to pay because he will get a commission from the bank, we prepared all the paperwork for the mortgage. This required, among other things, paying off the remaining balance of our car loan and amending the purchase contract once again. He gave us success and favor in everything: my employer was able to advance the money, and the house owners have been uncomplicated and helpful.
But there is one unresolved issue: I (Luna) need to have a permanent job contract to get the loan; Harrys seasonal work does not count. But I quit my previous job of 3,5 years at the end of August because the management of this company was not willing to improve the working conditions in line with my advanced and increasing tasks and great commitment. Instead, they promoted another colleague, who had not put in much effort up to then, to the position of new team leader - obviously because they found me uncomfortable with my demands for a reasonable team structure and fair wages for the whole team. After long months of back and forth with no progress, it was time to change jobs - or I would completely sink into the pits of frustration and burnout. The moment, I gave in my resignation, a complete peace filled my spirit, and I knew it was the right path to take at the right time, after struggling to make this final decision for months. The reason for this struggle was simple: my wonderful co-workers made it quite hard to leave and there was a hope for a better change present for a long time, as well. But this heavenly peace is always a confirmation, something was done in God's will. I have been experiencing it in the past already and he outcome was always Him leading me to where I needed to be.
God has shown me a new job with shorter working hours and partly performance-based salary. In September, I successfully completed the three-week training and induction period, which required a lot of effort and concentration, and am now getting into the new workflow more and more. Yet the change of employers is of course a problem for the loan approval - it now means an additional three months of waiting time. Despite that, we still believe it to have been the right decision according to his will and plans.
In August and September I (Harry) was still hoping that the loan would be approved without the bank having to find out about the job change. In fact, Luna's old employer had filled out a form in a way, where she was still employed indefinitely. We had only submitted the form as it was and had not asked them to keep the contract termination secret. Nevertheless, the paper came back with an "employed for an indefinite time". But later, I have also realized what Luna had already felt before in the spirit: It is not honest to get the loan in this way. That is why God allowed the whole process to drag on, so that we now have to tell the bank about the job change.
After talking to the owners, it looks like we can get the loan to buy the house some time in January. Lunas boss said he will find a way for her to get an employment contract for an indefinite duration after the probation period of four months will be over on January 7th - which is a requirement of the bank. Normally, the employer is giving out such a contract after one year of working there. He personally doesn't see a problem with it, as he is quite satisfied with Lunas progress so far, but needs to internally speak to some other people about this.
In any case, we know one thing: When God says YES, no one can say NO, we know that. He does great miracles, and even in this "modern" age He wants us to rely on Him alone and not on banks, mortgages and human securities!
If any of you can and would like to give us a loan of €80,000, please feel free to get in touch. :-)
"Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvellous things!" (Psalm 98,1)
A home of our own
Everything has its time and it is best to go with God's timetable, which usually runs slower than we would like, and to trust in His faithfulness, even if and precisely because He often keeps His promises differently than we imagine - namely in a better, more perfect and long-term blessed way!
May we now show you our, God-willing, soon-to-be house?
Please excuse the photo quality; we don't have any better pictures at the moment.
Side view, with garage below |
Front view with patio |
Part of the property with lots of fruit trees |
Old stable, workshop and smokehouse |
The current kitchen with wood stove for central heating |
One of the two children's rooms upstairs |
The other children's room |
The living room downstairs |
The staircase |
The bedroom downstairs |
This could become a guestroom, upstairs |
The "prayer chamber" upstairs |
The current downstairs bathroom |
Bathroom upstairs |
As you can see, there is a lot to do. We would like to enlarge the kitchen by tearing down the wall to the pantry and a small toilet room. Lots of old furniture needs to carried out and be disposed of. Of course, all rooms need new paint and the parquet floors need repairs in some places, as well as sanding and a new sealing. We also want to install a toilet in the bathroom downstairs, which was in the extra room until now.
Those renovations would come first and after that we'll probably move in. We will need additional pieces of furniture here and there. Later, we will need to remodel the kitchen with new tiles and furniture. Then, all the windows, blinds and doors need to be replaced within the foreseeable future. The guest room needs to be remodeled and furnished. In all of this, we trust in God's faithfulness, because it is 100% certain. He will provide for every renovation at exactly the right time - and use the mistakes we will make in the whole process to His glory and our good.
The "Karlovac Prayer Room" - "DvineDzaine - God-dedicated creating" - "Hospitality"
One reason why we liked this house from the beginning is the large number of rooms. For both of us, this means a better opportunity to be even more hospitable, something we have always enjoyed doing. We are happy to have visitors and to be with people, to offer them a place where they feel accepted and comfortable, where they can encounter the peace and love of God.
For me (Luna), there is a room on the ground floor that has beautiful large windows and faces north - and thus provides balanced lighting conditions for painting and drawing. This enables me to further follow my calling as an artist. Little by little, I want to become self-employed and participate with God in the process of creating for his kingdom. When I entered this room for the first time, an unusual warmth filled me and I immediately thought - this is going to be my studio. At the time, I didn't even know that the orientation of the window was ideal for such an endeavour.
At the end of high school, I knew that I would either go into social work or into art. Ever since I could hold a pen in my hand, I have scribbled and drawn on all sorts of scraps of paper, sometimes on furniture and walls. Or banana peels. :-) God has put this passion for creating something in as a permanent part of my identity from the very beginning. However, I initially decided to go down the social route and am very grateful for all the experiences I have had here and the content I have been able to learn. They have trained me well for many situations in life.
Four years ago, I completely fell in love with watercolor painting as a medium and I started painting more again. God has repeatedly confirmed that it is now time to give my creative side more space. Almost a year ago, I started making YouTube videos with the "Truth46od" channel, something I had never actually intended to do. I have learned how much fun the process of creating is for me. Regardless of whether it is a video or a picture, everything I create are my "babies", who I love very much. It is interesting how we as people resemble our creator in this way. :-) In order to grow and hone my skills, I will soon be attending an online school for graphic design (OfG). Graphic design combines things that are close to my heart: typography and visual communication. In addition, I also have the vision of offering a space in the studio where people can encounter God in a creative way.
For me (Harry), the many rooms mean that I can give up my job and start the calling that God has long put on my heart - I want to remodel a small room on the upper floor as a prayer room and start to seek the Lord there for several hours every day, to play and sing praises to Him, to worship Him, to read His Word and to intercede. That is my new "job", the "Molitvena Soba Karlovac"; in English: The "Karlovac Prayer Room".
It won't be more than a small room at the beginning. Later, when and if others join the prayer team, perhaps the garage can be converted into a prayer room and thus also create an entrance from the outside. But that is not the point. What is important to me is what all houses of prayer in the world have in common and what David, who founded the first "prayer tent" in the world with day-and-night praise and prayer, expresses as follows:
"One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple." (Psalm 27:4)
Our God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is worthy of being sought and worshipped "full-time"! In his heavenly throne room, the angelic beings, 24 elders and whoever else may be present there offer him "glory, honor and thanks" day and night, singing:
"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being." (Revelation 4:9-11)
In every church service or prayer group where God is worshipped in "spirit and truth", people join in this heavenly song. In addition, prayer houses have sprung up all over the world in recent decades that see the praise of God as their main mission in a new and radical way - it is about first and foremost SERVING GOD and not people. It is about putting priorities in the right order. We do not want to gather people around us, build a church, or strive for human success, but give God the attention and honor that He deserves as the Creator, Sustainer and Savior of us and the whole world.
Of course, this is not everyone's calling. On one level, everyone is called to live in close fellowship with God, as a branch on the vine, and to let Jesus' power and love flow through them - in the family, at work, among friends, etc. But beyond that, there have always been men and women of God in His people whom He has called to give up their regular working life and devote themselves completely to Him.
Some of you understand what I am writing about, while others wonder what the point of spending so many hours "just praying and singing" is. There are two answers to that. First, I am not concerned with "what the point is", but whether it is right - and we have already seen that it is right and proper for us creatures to offer worship to our Creator. In fact, all people owe it to praise God - even animals and plants:
"Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Hallelujah!" (Psalm 150:6)
We see, of course, in our world and unfortunately even in our churches that far too few people live their lives in genuine, deep gratitude to God. Each of us certainly still has "potential for improvement". And that is precisely where the second answer is at: What happens in the spiritual world of a city, a region or a country when God is not given the honor He deserves? It is not complicated: Where God is not honored, the demonic powers of darkness have room to work and seduce people to, consciously or unconsciously, honor Satan. Sin becomes the norm. People suffer the consequences. Families break up. Mental and other illnesses are rampant. Society falls apart.
A room or house of prayer is a place where praise and worship are offered to God on behalf of a city, a region or even a country - and this undoubtedly has an impact on the invisible and visible world. It opens spiritual doors for the salvation of individuals as well as the revival of churches and the transformation of entire regions. The director of the largest house of prayer in Europe recently commented on the question of what all the prayer had achieved in recent years: He does not know all the effects, but a good indication would be that there is not a single doctor in that town anymore (almost 300,000 inhabitants) where the prayer house operates, who is willing to perform abortions. Curse is transformed into blessing! Where unborn life is protected, God can let blessings flow and demons lose the right to enslave people, drive them to despair and keep them in eternal separation from God.
For years, the area south of Karlovac has been particularly close to my heart, which is where we are now buying a house. The area is called "Kordun" and is connected to the "Lika" area further south. Around 500 years ago, the entire (Christian) area was regularly plagued by Muslim-Ottoman raids; previously, the Ottomans had already taken over what is now Bosnia. The fortress city of Karlovac was built to defend the Croatian lands and the Austrian hereditary lands to the north. In the recent past, Kordun and Lika were part of the Serbian autonomous areas in the Homeland War of 1991-1995 and, as was the case then, the violent expansion of these areas was stopped at the gates of Karlovac.
There is a spiritual reality to this. In Kordun, the church is more or less dead, but there are strikingly numerous expressions of Eastern religions and occult practices. I believe that God's plan is to change the spiritual atmosphere through praise, worship and intercession and to bring restoration and revival to a dark and neglected region.
I am incredibly grateful to the Lord that I can be part of His plans with the "Karlovac Prayer Room" - and I am excited to see what that looks like. In the first year I want to focus entirely on Him, without any public programs or use social media work. There will be two regular worship times per week, to which guests can come. We will also make the prayer room available to brothers and sisters who are looking for a quiet space for prayer and praise. In addition, I will continue to drive to the "Upper Room" in Zagreb once a week and lead a prayer set there, as well as occasionally visiting existing prayer meetings in the surrounding churches and online, as God leads me. But above all, I will spend a lot of time in silence and in praise before Him, because I know that I really, really need Him for myself and that He wants to reveal Himself to me much more deeply, changing me in the process!
With the decision to quit my job, we will of course lose one of two regular incomes. Just a few days ago, my boss offered me the opportunity to continue working for him part-time in administration from home, but God convinced me this summer that He did not want to share me with another boss - I noticed that organizing the various groups ate up so much of my time throughout the day that it often took a lot of time before I could concentrate on God again. I have decided to follow my calling and do so with all my heart!
Harry's decision and calling was a big struggle for me (Luna) at first. I was wrestling with this thought of the full time prayer room for a long time. As a woman, I have a strong need of security and was wondering, how this will play out in terms of finances for us as a family. Walking on water by faith is a challenge for all of us, I believe. I was often pleading with, praying, wrestling, and complaining to God.
Then, two significant things happened:
First, when we realized that we needed to be completely honest with the bank, and repented, we experienced this heavenly peace over our whole situation again. But not only that, I also suddenly had complete peace over Harry being called to give up his job for God. It felt like all the pieces fell into place.
Second, I listened to a sermon about the Levite service in Israel and how God is still calling people in a similar way. These people are appointed by God to a full-time service in the house of the Lord, without earning money to provide for themselves, but relying on God and their community to provide completely for anything needed. Through this sermon, I realized, how incredibly important such a service for God's kingdom is.
To be honest, before this, I thought those people to be lazy bums not willing to work, fend for themselves and their families, and that full time service relying on donations was not an honorable way of living. I thought, we all ought to work for our income in the worldly way of having a "normal" job. But I now realize I was wrong thinking this. This calling is a job in God's kingdom, and carries its value just like other jobs. Few people are called into such a ministry, but the sermon made me realize how important the Levite work was for Israel and still is today for us as the Lord's church body and for His kingdom. It is a work of intercession for people, cities, nations and should to be part of every ministry in the world in every country.
These people are called to lead us constantly towards the centre of God's heart. Like Mary, they are to remind us of seeking the higher, the better, the more important things of God's kingdom at His feet, and not to get stuck in worldly desires and daily worries. They are called into spiritual warfare for their country, to fight strategically in the spiritual realm for God's plans to be unleashed and revealed in people's lives, in regions, cities, and countries. Of course, we could all do this somehow. But there is a big difference between doing this as a job full-time or just on the side, whenever you find time for it. Actually, Harry has tried to do this on the side for last years already.
If He is pleased with it, the Lord will put it on the hearts of others to support this ministry. In fact, two brothers and sisters have already promised support without me (Harry) asking. Later, when the prayer room has become somewhat established and perhaps a few brothers and sisters have joined as regular volunteers, it will be time to set up a legal body, a Christian NGO through which donations can be made and through which I can then be officially employed. Until then and also afterwards, I trust in God that He will meet all our needs as well as those of the prayer room. Of course, this goes against human reason and our natural security thinking. My wish and prayer is that through God's provision and this humble example of faith, He will be honoured and others will also be encouraged to believe in the living God and to rely completely on Him, for their salvation as well as any life challenge - because He is GOOD, POWERFUL and READY to HELP those who trust in Him!
If God puts it on your heart to support us, you can find our bank account details at the bottom of the "web version" of this blog. If you are reading the blog on your mobile, click on "View web version" at the bottom and then scroll down to the bottom, where you will find the bank details. Or else, please feel free to contact us.
Everyday life
It is now the end of October. Amos has been in first grade for 1 1/2 months and Junia is doing well in 5th grade with a new teacher, new subjects and the at the "new" main school campus of her primary school. Over the summer, we enjoyed having Luna's mom with us a number of times. Now, she is back in Berlin. In addition, in mid-October my sister visited with 3 of my nieces and 1 nephew for 5 days - that was also a particularly nice time for us as well as the kids!
We have now a few quiet, "normal" weeks before we want to travel to Serbia on the 2nd November weekend for this year's "Balkan Call" conference. Last year, this big meeting with brothers and sisters from all 12 Balkan countries took place very close to us - we wrote about it
on this blog. This year we are particularly happy to travel to our "brother country" Serbia as Croatians, because there is still a lot of friction and hostile rhetoric between the two people groups. This is also evident in Bosnia-Herzegovina, where the Serbian part would like to become independent from the Croatian-Bosnian federation. The reality is, minorities of the other people groups continue to live in all of these countries and regions. That is to say, there are no ethnically "clean" Croatian, Serbian or Bosnian regions, although there is far less mixture than before due to the horrors and atrocities of the war in the 1990s.
Between other Balkan peoples the situation is similar (e.g. the situation in Kosovo has gotten more and more tense again) and there remains a lot to work: to repent, to forgive and to heal. In the "Balkan Call" we encounter the other nations, repent on behalt of our people, ask for forgiveness, offer it to others, and believe that this will take away the enemy's power in the spiritual world and open the doors for the gospel about Jesus, the Prince of Peace. As a visible sign of this reality, we have been witnesses to the amazing work of healing God has been doing at last year´s conference in the lives of the ca. 500 individuals present!
Back in Karlovac, Junia's 11th birthday will soon be celebrated. As far as my work is concerned, I only have a few work days left with my employer and am already stepping into the ministry of worship and prayer here in our apartment. I'm very thankful for a school of prayer that I can attend online through the Croatian house of prayer we are connected with. Luna works from 8:45 a.m. to 2 p.m., and otherwise we divide our time between family, household, church and discipleship. In Croatia, the children in primary school alternate between morning and afternoon classes, so that Luna and I get to go for a date walk together at least once every two weeks.
That's all from us for now - We would be very happy to hear from you and what Got is doing your lives and families!
We bless you all! Our prayer is that you trust Him in your own challenges and experience that He is always faithful, that He heals you and transforms you into the image of His Son Jesus!
Greetings from Croatia,
Harry, Luna, Junia & Amos