Travel Day #26
Pozdravi iz Zagreba - We say "Hi" from Zagreb, Croatia!
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It is fantastic to have arrived here in Croatia !! God is so good and so faithful !! 10 years ago he gave us the wish to serve Him in Croatia and then he prepared the time and the way, and now we are there! :-)
Two weeks ago we had a wonderful time with a dear friend in the Black Forest. We shared many wonderful moments and deep spiritual fellowship and also enjoyed the beautiful area. Then we spent another night with other dear friends near Berchtesgarden. Again, it was nice to refresh the friendship and we enjoyed the short visit. We are also thankful for the way God divided up our trip into three parts of 450-500km, so that not one trip was too long. The drive across the Alps and country borders to Zagreb was particularly blessed, considering it is the holiday season.
Two weeks ago we had a wonderful time with a dear friend in the Black Forest. We shared many wonderful moments and deep spiritual fellowship and also enjoyed the beautiful area. Then we spent another night with other dear friends near Berchtesgarden. Again, it was nice to refresh the friendship and we enjoyed the short visit. We are also thankful for the way God divided up our trip into three parts of 450-500km, so that not one trip was too long. The drive across the Alps and country borders to Zagreb was particularly blessed, considering it is the holiday season.
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On a like hike along a Black Forest creek to a lake and waterfall. |
While we were in Freudenstadt in the Black Forest, we read the section on the conquest of Jericho in the book of Joshua and had the impression that we should also walk around "Jericho" in a spiritual battle for Croatia for seven days after we arrived. We were much encouraged by God's promise to Joshua:
"Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
"Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1.8-9
What a wonderful promise from God to us in this exciting, yet uncertain time! God is good always!!! Yes, and we experience every day that God is with us. Above all, He guides and fills us through his Spirit with joy and confidence every day, even in challenging situations.
We will stay in this rented apartment until July 31st and then we will go first to Luna's father near the Adriatic sea in Rijeka, possibly with a stop in Karlovac. Rijeka is the impression that God gave us as the next stop, also that we should first be "witnesses in Jerusalem" (with our own family) (Acts 1.8) and then move on to the wider world.
So we were happy that Lunas family here was open to watch the film "The Beginning" from The Last Reformation with us last Sunday ( - everyone should watch it, who longs to see what we read in the New Testament happening today) to show them what we want to do here in Croatia. The reaction varied between positive and open to rather skeptical. We are grateful for the opportunity to share the gospel clearly and also that they wished us all the best for our project, which is really great.
Luna's grandma went through the heart surgery well and will probably be home tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers! We were also able to pray for them and are incredibly grateful that the surgery could not have gone better. Grandma's back pain also seems to be better and she is moving more agile than before, for which we are extra grateful. Please pray for peace, kindness and gentleness in the family and also for grandma to recover well.
On Sunday we were in a wonderful church in Zagreb, and it actually turned out to be in the same building as the editorial office in which Luna's dad works! We were greeted very friendly by many brothers and sisters and were offered coffee from all sides. We felt very spiritually connected, because the first love for Jesus was visible burning. The pastor's wife even offered help when she found out about our calling. A really nice experience. Maybe we will have more to do with the church in the future. It would be great to get to know these brothers and sisters more.
Today we came back from "Zagorje", the place in the country where grandpa and grandma come from. Grandma has a nice little house where there is often plenty to do, including in the small vineyard. Luna's uncle usually does much of the work by himself, but yesterday Harry was able to help him mow the lawn on the orchard slope and in the vineyard. We were happy to have been of help and to enjoy the wonderful green nature up there.
Tonight Luna's stepmother and brother were here for dinner. It was nice to be able to cook for them once instead of always being a guest. They didn't have too much time, but we laughed a lot and reconnected well.
Joshua 1.8-9
What a wonderful promise from God to us in this exciting, yet uncertain time! God is good always!!! Yes, and we experience every day that God is with us. Above all, He guides and fills us through his Spirit with joy and confidence every day, even in challenging situations.
We will stay in this rented apartment until July 31st and then we will go first to Luna's father near the Adriatic sea in Rijeka, possibly with a stop in Karlovac. Rijeka is the impression that God gave us as the next stop, also that we should first be "witnesses in Jerusalem" (with our own family) (Acts 1.8) and then move on to the wider world.
So we were happy that Lunas family here was open to watch the film "The Beginning" from The Last Reformation with us last Sunday ( - everyone should watch it, who longs to see what we read in the New Testament happening today) to show them what we want to do here in Croatia. The reaction varied between positive and open to rather skeptical. We are grateful for the opportunity to share the gospel clearly and also that they wished us all the best for our project, which is really great.
Luna's grandma went through the heart surgery well and will probably be home tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers! We were also able to pray for them and are incredibly grateful that the surgery could not have gone better. Grandma's back pain also seems to be better and she is moving more agile than before, for which we are extra grateful. Please pray for peace, kindness and gentleness in the family and also for grandma to recover well.
On Sunday we were in a wonderful church in Zagreb, and it actually turned out to be in the same building as the editorial office in which Luna's dad works! We were greeted very friendly by many brothers and sisters and were offered coffee from all sides. We felt very spiritually connected, because the first love for Jesus was visible burning. The pastor's wife even offered help when she found out about our calling. A really nice experience. Maybe we will have more to do with the church in the future. It would be great to get to know these brothers and sisters more.
Today we came back from "Zagorje", the place in the country where grandpa and grandma come from. Grandma has a nice little house where there is often plenty to do, including in the small vineyard. Luna's uncle usually does much of the work by himself, but yesterday Harry was able to help him mow the lawn on the orchard slope and in the vineyard. We were happy to have been of help and to enjoy the wonderful green nature up there.
Tonight Luna's stepmother and brother were here for dinner. It was nice to be able to cook for them once instead of always being a guest. They didn't have too much time, but we laughed a lot and reconnected well.
Tomorrow is our last day of "walking around Jericho", so it will be loud !!! Luna's mom then looks after the children and visits the zoo with them so that we can have a longer time of prayer and singing. We pray that "Jericho's walls will fall!", As it is written in an English song:
Lift high the banners of love, Hallelujah!
Sound the trumpets of war!
Christ has gotten us the victory, Hallelujah!
Jericho must fall!
The body of Christ is an army
Fighting power unseen,
Bringing the captives to freedom
In the Name of Jesus, our King.
Brothers, are you sure of your calling?
Will you fight for Jesus the King?
Are you prepared in this battle
To lay down your lives for your friends?
We must stand in unity,
By the Spirit made strong;
Stand with Jesus our Captain,
And fight till God's kingdom has come.
Preach the Saviour crucified,
Dead and risen again.
Come against the powers of darkness
In His glorious Name.
In the name of God the Father,
In the name of Jesus his Son,
And in the name of the Spirit,
We will fight till we are called home.
That's all from us for today!
May the Love, Blessing and Shalom of Christ keep you and guide you every day!
P.S. We were ask to provide our bank account somewhere. If you are reading on a cell phone, you'd have to go to the very bottom and click on "Web Version", and then it will show you again at the very bottom.
Please use it only if God puts it on your heart. Thank you!