Monday 6 November 2017

Time of my life

Tick Tock. Tick Tock.

Time is flying away!

Sometimes I feel like the rabbit from Alice in Wonderland running out of time. Thinking about how Amos is probably going to be our last baby and seeing him grow up so fast, acquiring new skills day by day and being further and further away from the newborn stage, being five months old and soon starting with solid food, which means becoming less dependent on the milk my body is producing, watching his sister becoming a little lady girl with her own mind and opinions, I feel the urge to slow time down. Time is something very precious, as have countless wise men and women observed in the past as well. And that is why its so important to be a good keeper of ones precious life time, to wisely choose what to do with it. However, the definition of "doing" may vary. We all certainly fill our time with tons of things every day, some even to the point of unhealthy habits of either workaholism or procrastination. I think the most important time of the day needs to be prayer and connection time with God. To be filled with the Spirit's power and to forge our spiritual gifts for the daily war around us should be a time important to everyone.

Today, November 6th, marks the beginning of the sixth month Amos has been born into this world. I scream: " Hold on, wait!" I wanna hold the newborn little Amos a little while longer, want to feel his little fingers, his newborn smell. But the picture is crumbling through my hands turning into sand of the past. And now, I can't remember anymore. I do not remember how it felt like to hold my newborn Junia, my newborn Amos in my arms. I do not remember the pain of labor, and even the uncomfortable moments of pregnancy are almost forgotten. But I do remember their first smile, their first giggle, their first attempt to crawl, Junias first steps, her first tooth breaking through, and the first night sleeping through. The first word. Beautiful memories, although some may be forgotten for now, they certainly influence us today so that we can look forward.

Last week we were on vacation for the first time as a family of four and we must be crazy nuts lovers of history to be visiting one castle and two museums with two children. It was an adventure of travelling back in time! A pretty great one most of the time anyway. We visited the house-museum of a writer called Karl May, who was and is one of the most popular German writers. We went into the castle of the old Saxonian kings and queens that was turned into a museum showing the abundant treasures of the past. Like huge jewels, rubies, diamonds, ivory dust catcher stuff, silver plates, gold bling bling things, glasses from pure quartz, interesting things made from ostrich eggshells, cutlery with coral handles, and so on and it was only a fraction of what was once the treasure of the royalty of Saxony. Most was either destroyed or stolen during or after the second world war. For art lovers it would be the perfect place to go. Them artists did not have TV and smartphones and internet and all those annoying little time eaters/fillers yet, therefore they had time to produce beautifully crafted artwork and to refine their skills. Truly breathtaking. In the past we also lost some of that, some of the old knowledge of things, natural remedies against sicknesses, even whole cultures and their wisdom. Leather wallpaper, for example. Or a whole bedroom made out of feathers. No kidding.

Today was Harrys first day of work with a slightly changed schedule. Before the holidays he was only working in the school almost next to us but from today on he will be also working a few hours in another school from the same employer a bit further away and with a bit more challenging students, some coming from a quite harsh and challenging environment. Those hours will be deducted from the hours for the other school so he hopes and prays that he will still have enough time to actually catch up with the students and put time into relationships. His boss is looking more onto numbers whereas Harrys heart beats for the "christian from birth and family" kids, and the ones who recently decided to follow Jesus. He desires to help them deepen and strengthen their faith, understanding of scripture and relationship with the Lord. Pray that he may have time for such important work even though his new schedule seems to be more challenging at first glance.

Last week also marks our first anniversary of living in Brandenburg apart from big old Berlin. And we are loving every second of it. We truly feel called to this area that used to lie behind the iron curtain. The area that is supposedly the most atheistic one in Germany. The area where religion was seen as something entirely unpleasant, the area where political leaders decided that God does not exist. Different people with the gift of prophesy are seeing an upcoming revival of faith in this area. Gods good news is going to drop into the ocean of unbelief and make huge waves that will spread across the whole region like a Tsunami. Peoples' faith will experience a revival and God is gathering us people of faith right now to pray. It is exciting but again, adversity - or the enemy -  wants to harass and to steal our joy, to kill our faith and to destroy our families and churches. So please join us in the war against the evil forces of the world with prayer.

Ephesians 6:10-18:
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 
Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 
And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

Ms Clara from the movie "war room":

"I find myself amazed that of the many battles we engage in today, be it money, control, or matters of the heart, very few of us know how to fight the right way, or to understand who we're really fighting against.

To win any battle, you've got to have the right strategy and resources, because victories don't come by accident.

See, you're fighting the wrong enemy! Now, your husband certainly has his issues, but he is not your enemy. When I fought against my husband I was fighting against my own marriage and my family. Now I tried for years to fix my husband but I couldn't do it."

"Well I've gotten anywhere with my husband."

"Cause its not your job! Who said that it was your responsibility to fix your husband? Its your job to love him, to respect him and to pray for the man. God knows he needs it. And men don't like it when their women are always trying to fix them. You got to plead with God so that he can do what only he can do. And then you got to get out of the way and let him do it!There is no room for you and God on the throne of your heart. Its either him or its you. You need to step down. Now, if you want victory, you gonna have to first surrender."

"But, do I just back off and choose to forgive and let him walk all over me?"

"God is a good defense attorney, trust it to him. And then you can turn your focus to the real enemy. The one that wants to remain hidden. The one that wants to distract you and deceive you and divide you from the Lord and your husband. You see, that's how he works. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. And he is stealing your joy, he is killing your faith, and he is trying to destroy your family. If I were you, I would get my heart right with God. And you need to do your fighting in prayer and you need to kick the real enemy out of your home with the word of God! Its time for you to fight, its time for you to fight for your marriage, its time for you to fight the real enemy, its time for you to take off the gloves and do it!"