Friday, 29 August 2014

Actors in God's Story

Hi Friends!

It has nearly been 4 months now that we moved back to Berlin. As we have posted already, Harry has found a job quite quickly and has been working at an Outdoor retail store here in Berlin. We moved into our rented apartment in the beginning of July. We also had a great time reconnecting with Harry's family at a weekend gathering with 14 adults and 15 children (if you count the 2 that are still in their mother's bellies, of which Luna is not one, in case you wondered). Now, in August, Luna and Junia got to go to Croatia to visit her dad and his family, as well as her grandma and family on mother's side, who also came with them from Berlin. Harry couldn't go, which was hard. But finally, they are coming back on Sunday.
Junia is working on mastering her crawling technique, curious about anything she can get her hands and tongue on and as happy as can be.
We posted some recent pictures and videos on our German blog:

Luna will be looking for a job, as well. We hope that we can share the joy and task of taking care of Junia. Luna's Mom is also here to help out whenever and wherever she can, which is a huge blessing.

We have been looking around for a church where God wants us for quite a while. We know a few churches already: For instance, the one where Luna found Jesus and grew up spiritually, or the one Harry attended and served for a year. And even though we have friends there, we did not receive a lead to go back there from the Spirit. Visiting them was nice, but are we supposed to be there? We were not sure.
Now it seems that we have found a church closer to where we live. It is a lively, welcoming community, with young families as well as older, wiser people, and a female pastor who was a midwife before. The reason we feel the Spirit leading us here is that Luna's mom liked the atmosphere and promised to join us every now and then, if we end up attending this church. This is new, since she has disliked all of the churches we've dragged her to up till then. She also does not like taking public transit to go some place on Sunday mornings. Anyway, this is a huge answer to prayer, since she really, really needs Jesus in her life. Please pray with us that her heart will become soft and she may open up to true salvation.

Salvation - this, by the way, is what comes to mind when we reflect back on our time in Abbotsford. At the
graduation banquet, Harry was asked how Columbia Bible College has affected our lives. The answer has to do with our understanding of God's salvation. We have learned (or so we believe, I guess the test of everyday life will tell) that God wants to save more than our individual souls. He's in the process of puzzling together a whole new world, a new creation. And we get to be a part of this most wonderful piece of work. We don't just wait for the future, or simply follow "basic instruction before leaving earth", we actually get to be actors in the story God is telling. We get to represent his Kingdom. That's a huge privilege - and a big challenge.
Of course, there have been lots of other things. Luna has gained various vocational experiences, from bookkeeping to house cleaning to College tutoring, and then we had these two amazing and stretching summers at Ootsa Lake Bible Camp. Harry learnt to lead groups of people in the Outdoors. We found many amazing life-long friends, and tried to use and develop our gifts in our church community, for the short time that we were there.

So I guess we are now looking for the ways in which we can fulfill our roles here in Berlin for the next few years. As many of you know, we have plans for the future, but this will be for another post.
For now, we just want you to know how grateful we are that we had the privilege of being part of yours lives and communities, and that you influenced and changed us for the better. Thank you so much for your encouragement and love over the last 4 years. We miss being with you!!

Be hugged, and be blessed, and may God use you in other people's lives as He did in ours!

Luna, Junia Harry

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Dear Friends

Just a quick update about our life. It been a few weeks since we came back from Canada to Berlin but it felt very homy from the very beginning. We realized that Abbotsford really does not get a lot of sun compared to Berlin, something we only noticed now. Amazing how we humans get used to things!

Just like all the time the Lord has been so good to us and is blessing us in a lot of ways. Harry will be receiving his first paycheque from working as a salesman for a big Outdoor store. Next week we will be moving into a beautiful apartment. People are offering their help by giving us furniture and other things. And it is a special blessing to be able to see friends and family again after such a long time, reconnecting and rebuilding relationships is precious. Tomorrow Luna, her mom and Junia will be going to a big business conference in Bamberg (World heritage city). And the week after all this Luna has a job interview. Exciting things are happening and we are looking forward to where God is leading us!

Junia is doing extraordinarily well. She is growing so quickly and is getting more cute every second. This past week she got her first two teeth! She wants to stand all the time and is closely watching our feet. And she has definitely developed her own will. She is eating solids like a pro and enjoys trying out new things for her tastebuds. I think she is a gourmet just like her parents. =)

So long, farewell, Aufwiedersehen, Good-Bye!

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Back Home !?!

Hello to all our NA friends!
Here's a short first reflection on our first days in Berlin- our new and old home. So far, of coursse we are gjests at Luma's moms place and looking for a place on our own. That's not easy right now in Berlin. So we're working on finding jobs, so that they'll trust us with a place. Transition time - and not really home yet.
However, we have a real sense of coming home. When we left Canada, we were wondering if we'd ever feel like we belong anywhere again. But it's also a decision to embrace our home culture with its ups and downs, imstead of standing on the side  lines as sceptic know-it-alls. Now that we're here, we start to realize that we alwaya remained more German than we thought we did. The city, the groceries, and most of all the dear family and friends, all give us a real sense of coming home.
Not that we want to settle too much, of cause! But at least we can allow ourselves to close the cycle before we go and make home in a new place again.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Back to the Future

Hello, our dear English speaking friends!

This is the beginning of our English blog. The reason for starting yet another blog is that we will be leaving Canada in May and still want to keep you updated what's going on in our lives, despite the distance (one can only say so much on the phone, facebook or skype). Yes, four years in Canada have gone by so quickly, quicker as you would say "Cookie!" (Croatian saying). So many things have changed, the biggest change is still probably our cute, little family addition Junia. She is such a joy and precious gift by God! And she is the best souvenir we will bring back from Canada apart from your friendship, haha. =)
So now, as of May 2014, we will be moving back to Berlin, Germany for a while. We are looking very much forward to spend lots of time with our friends and family after such a long time of distance. There are very exciting things to look forward to as well! We will be part of a big Mueller family gathering in June, one of Lunas close friends is getting married in July and in August we will be probably spending a big chunk of time on the Croatian coast and celebrating the 70th birthday of Lunas granny. We would love to visit one of Harrys brothers and sister in law in France/Switzerland, too. We are also very excited to take our business to the next level and start building it in Germany as well (did you know that by joining our team and/or purchasing products you are directly supporting our family business?). Here is an agenda for the next few years:

May 2014
- Flying back to Germany
- Finding a part time job and apartment in Berlin
- Building our business as quickly as possible
- Spending a lot of time with family and friends

- Apply for a work visa in Canada
- Working for two or three years in Christian outdoor ministry somewhere in Canada
- Continue to build and strengthen our Canadian business

- Moving to Scotland for two years
- Completing our graduate studies at the St. Andrews uni

- Moving to Croatia to live there, our current dream is to live along the coast (Island Krk)
- Founding our Bibleschool after a few years of living, breathing, learning, planning and preparing

You see, even though we will miss you guys a lot and it will be hard to say good-bye to you all we are planning to come back to Canada for a few more years Lord willing! And of course, we hope you all know that our doors will always be open for you all in Europe! We love having friends over and invite you all over officially now. And this is not just a polite Canadian sentence, we mean it. Honestly. Don't be shy, just come over (But not while we are back in Canada).

We are super excited what God will bring in the future! All those plans are not as hard as granite obviously but at the same time we don't want to lack faith to believe that our awesome God is able to fulfill those dreams of life and ministry! For God, everything is possible.

We love you! =)

Keepin' you updated. Over and out.